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Observing programme of the working group

The observing programme of the working group

The observing programme contains stars that have a sufficiently large amplitude. These are mainly Mira-stars, semi-regular variables, RV Tauri stars, cataclysmic variables, R Coronae Borealis stars and symbiotic variables.

Stars suitable for starting observers

The table underneath shows about 100 stars that are suitable for starting variable star observers. 30 of them are designated by an asterisk. This means that they are easy to find and already visible in small telescopes. These stars were listed in the former A-programme of the working group. The table contains the designation, starname, right ascention and declination (J2000.0), mean maximum and minimum brightness, period and type. The period is only given for Mira stars and semiregular variables. Values in brackets are the mean recurrence time between two outbursts of dwarfnovae. Never compare your observations with the magnitudes given in the table. They only serve as a guide. Real maxima and minima can strongly deviate from the figures in the table!

design. Star R.A.(2000) Dec.(2000) Max.-Min. Period Type
0004+51 SS Cas 00h 09.4m +51° 34' 9.8-13.1 140.6 M
0010+46 X And 00h 16.1m +47° 01' 9.0-14.8 346.2 M
0017+26 T And 00h 22.4m +27° 00' 8.5-13.8 280.8 M
0017+55 T Cas* 00h 23.2m +55° 48' 7.9-11.9 444.8 M
0018+38 R And 00h 24.0m +38° 35' 6.9-14.3 409.3 M
0040+47 U Cas 00h 46.4m +48° 15' 8.4-14.8 277.2 M
0047+46A RV Cas 00h 52.7m +47° 25' 9.4-15.2 331.7 M
0049+58 W Cas 00h 54.9m +58° 34' 8.8-11.8 405.6 M
0058+40 RX And 01h 04.6m +41° 18' 10.3-15.5 14 UGZ
0112+72 S Cas 01h 19.7m +72° 37' 9.7-14.8 612.4 M
0133+38 Y And 01h 39.6m +39° 21' 9.2-14.2 220.5 M
0152+54 U Per* 01h 59.6m +54° 49' 8.1-11.3 320.3 M
0210+24 R Ari* 02h 16.1m +25° 03' 8.2-13.2 186.8 M
0211+43A W And 02h 17.5m +44° 18' 7.4-13.7 395.9 M
0214-03 omi Cet* 02h 19.3m -02° 59' 3.4- 9.3 332 M
0215+58 S Per 02h 22.9m +58° 35' 9.0-13.0 822 SRc
0220-00 R Cet 02h 26.0m -00° 11' 8.1-13.0 166.2 M
0231+33 R Tri* 02h 37.0m +34° 16' 6.2-11.7 266.9 M
0242+17 T Ari 02h 48.3m +17° 31' 8.3-10.9 316.6 SR
0305+14 U Ari 03h 11.0m +14° 48' 8.1-14.6 371.1 M
0320+43 R Per 03h 30.1m +35° 40' 8.7-14.0 209.9 M
0320+43 Y Per* 03h 27.7m +44° 11' 8.4-10.3 248.6 M
0430+65 T Cam 04h 40.1m +66° 09' 8.0-13.8 373.2 M
0432+74 X Cam 04h 45.7m +75° 06' 8.1-12.6 143.6 M
0509+53 R Aur 05h 17.3m +53° 35' 7.7-13.3 457.5 M
0549+20A U Ori* 05h 55.8m +20° 11' 6.3-12.0 368.3 M
0604+50 X Aur* 06h 12.2m +50° 14' 8.6-12.7 163.8 M
0605+47 SS Aur 06h 13.4m +47° 44' 10.5-15.2 55.5 UGSS
0616+47 V Aur 06h 24.0m +47° 42' 9.2-12.1 353 M
0635+58 S Lyn 06h 44.6m +57° 55' 9.6-14.3 296.3 M
0640+30 X Gem* 06h 47.1m +30° 17' 8.2-13.2 264.2 M
0653+55 R Lyn 07h 01.3m +55° 20' 7.9-13.8 378.7 M
0701+22A R Gem* 07h 07.4m +22° 42' 7.1-13.5 369.9 M
0703+10 R CMi 07h 08.7m +10° 01' 8.0-11.0 337.8 M
0727+08 S CMi 07h 32.7m +08° 19' 7.5-12.6 332.9 M
0749+22 U Gem 07h 55.1m +22° 00' 9.0-14.9 (105.2) UGSS
0811+12 R Cnc* 08h 16.6m +11° 44' 6.8-11.2 361.6 M
0814+73 Z Cam 08h 25.2m +73° 07' 10.3-13.6 22 UGZ
0816+17 V Cnc 08h 21.7m +17° 17' 7.9-12.8 272.1 M
0939+34 R LMi 09h 45.6m +34° 31' 7.1-12.6 372.2 M
0942+11 R Leo* 09h 47.6m +11° 26' 5.8-10.0 310 M
0947+35 S LMi 09h 53.7m +34° 56' 8.6-13.9 233.8 M
0954+21 V Leo 10h 00.0m +21° 16' 9.1-13.7 273.3 M
1037+69 R UMa* 10h 44.6m +68° 47' 7.5-13.0 301.6 M
1151+58 Z UMa* 11h 56.5m +57° 52' 7.0- 9.4 195.5 SRb
1225+32 T CVn 12h 30.2m +31° 30' 9.6-11.9 290.1 M
1231+60 T UMa 12h 36.4m +59° 29' 7.7-12.9 256.6 M
1233+07 R Vir* 12h 38.5m +06° 59' 6.9-11.5 145.4 M
1234+59 RS UMa 12h 39.0m +58° 29' 9.0-14.3 259 M
1239+61 S UMa* 12h 43.9m +61° 06' 7.8-11.7 225.9 M
1344+40 R CVn* 13h 48.9m +39° 32' 7.7-11.9 328.5 M
1401+13 Z Boo 14h 06.5m +13° 29' 9.3-14.8 281.1 M
1415+67 U UMi 14h 17.3m +66° 48' 8.2-12.0 330.9 M
1419+54 S Boo* 14h 22.9m +53° 49' 8.4-13.3 270.7 M
1425+39 V Boo* 14h 29.8m +38° 52' 7.0-11.3 258 SRa
1425+84 R Cam 14h 17.9m +83° 50' 8.3-13.2 270.2 M
1432+27 R Boo* 14h 37.2m +26° 44' 7.2-12.3 223.4 M
1517+31 S CrB 15h 21.4m +31° 22' 7.3-12.9 360.3 M
1533+78A S UMi 15h 29.6m +78° 38' 8.4-12.0 331 M
1544+28A R CrB* 15h 48.6m +28° 09' 5.7-14.8   RCB
1546+15 R Ser 15h 50.7m +15° 08' 6.9-13.4 356.4 M
1546+39 V CrB 15h 49.5m +39° 34' 7.5-11.0 357.6 M
1601+18 R Her 16h 06.2m +18° 22' 8.8-14.6 318.1 M
1602+10 U Ser 16h 07.3m +09° 56' 8.5-13.4 237.5 M
1606+25 RU Her 16h 10.3m +25° 04' 8.0-13.7 484.8 M
1621+19 U Her 16h 25.8m +18° 54' 7.5-12.5 406.1 M
1631+37 W Her 16h 35.2m +37° 21' 8.3-13.5 280 M
1632+66 R Dra* 16h 32.7m +66° 45' 7.6-12.4 245.6 M
1657+22 SY Her 17h 01.5m +22° 29' 7.8-13.2 116.9 M
1717+23 RS Her 17h 21.7m +22° 55' 7.9-12.5 219.7 M
1755+19 RY Her 17h 59.8m +19° 29' 9.0-13.8 221.5 M
1805+31 T Her* 18h 09.1m +31° 01' 8.0-12.8 165 M
1811+36 W Lyr 18h 14.9m +36° 40' 7.9-12.2 197.9 M
1841+34 RY Lyr 18h 44.9m +34° 41' 9.8-14.7 325.8 M
1842-05 R Sct* 18h 47.5m -05° 42' 4.8- 8.0 146.5 RV
1901+08 R Aql* 19h 06.4m +08° 14' 6.1-11.5 284.2 M
1921+50 CH Cyg* 19h 24.5m +50° 14' 6.0-10.0   ZAND
1934+49 R Cyg 19h 36.8m +50° 12' 7.5-13.9 426.5 M
1940+48 RT Cyg* 19h 43.6m +48° 47' 7.3-11.8 190.3 M
1943+48 TU Cyg 19h 46.2m +49° 04' 9.4-14.2 219.4 M
1946+04 X Aql 19h 51.5m +04° 28' 8.9-14.9 347 M
1946+32 Chi Cyg* 19h 50.6m +32° 55' 5.2-13.4 408 M
1958+49 Z Cyg 20h 01.5m +50° 03' 8.7-13.3 263.7 M
2010+08 R Del 20h 14.9m +09° 05' 7.6-13.8 285.1 M
2016+47 U Cyg 20h 19.6m +47° 54' 7.2-10.7 463.2 M
2028+17 Z Del 20h 32.7m +17° 27' 8.8-14.5 304.5 M
2040+16 T Del 20h 45.3m +16° 24' 9.3-14.8 332 M
2050+17 X Del 20h 54.9m +17° 39' 9.0-14.1 281 M
2059+23A R Vul 21h 04.4m +23° 49' 8.1-12.6 136.7 M
2108+68 T Cep* 21h 09.5m +68° 29' 6.0-10.3 388.1 M
2136+78 S Cep 21h 35.2m +78° 37' 8.3-11.2 486.8 M
2138+43 SS Cyg* 21h 42.7m +43° 35' 8.2-12.5 49.5 UGSS
2209+12 RU Peg 22h 14.0m +12° 42' 10.5-13.0 74.3 UGSS
2224+39 S Lac 22h 29.0m +40° 19' 8.2-13.0 241.5 M
2259+14 RW Peg 23h 04.2m +15° 18' 9.7-14.0 208.4 M
2301+10 R Peg 23h 06.6m +10° 33' 7.8-13.2 378.1 M
2307+59 V Cas* 23h 11.7m +59° 42' 7.9-12.2 228.8 M
2314+25 W Peg 23h 19.8m +26° 17' 8.2-12.7 345.5 M
2315+08 S Peg 23h 20.5m +08° 55' 8.0-13.0 319.2 M
2328+48 Z And 23h 33.7m +48° 49' 9.0-11.0   ZAND
2353+50 R Cas 23h 58.4m +51° 23' 7.0-12.6 430.5 M
2355+25 Z Peg 00h 00.1m +25° 53' 8.4-13.2 334.8 M
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